Friday, February 28, 2025

Being and Receiving

Through attending to my Being changes have come.  They have come gradually over time, little by little.  I have been aware of receiving better and better things as time has passed.  During this week the theme of receiving has been strong.  Receiving by Being, and especially receiving in the moment.  This is the freshest and most potent version of receiving I have experienced in my life.  We are meant to have abundance and all that we desire.  My recent personal experience of that has been wonderful and rich.

"The Universe does not require you to stress for good things."

               --Alan Cohen  


Monday, January 27, 2025

A New Day

This is the phrase that I have been hearing for several days now.  As I make art, as I journal, and in the quiet of the mornings.  What-has-been is over and done, never to be experienced again in that way.  Whatever is coming is being created in each day, and the accumulation of these days becomes the future.

We have a clean slate.  A bright day ahead for each of us to express the wonderful qualities that make us individual creations in the Universe.  Every moment is a gift for us to receive fully and to embrace with our whole hearts. These moments make every day new. 

"The art of living consists in being completely sensitive to each moment, and regarding it as utterly new and unique."

                         --Alan Watts      

Tuesday, December 31, 2024


I often feel like I am slogging through these days with the weight of my own forward movement on my shoulders.  While that is not the true reality, the feeling is with me until I make some meaningful connection.  I have recently been aware of a deep spiritual longing to connect.  Even though I may not feel a connection with others or in my home space, eventually I do feel connected with the energy of Source.  When that happens the heavy slog feeling disappears, and all of the elements of my life are brought together in a connected and unified way.  This reconnection feels like a gift from the Universe. Sometimes when I just don't have the energy to make a connection, that connection will come to me unexpectedly and effortlessly.  I am always surprised by this, and it brings me Joy in a big way.  We are not alone in this world.  We are moving through stressful times, and there are many ways we are able to make a meaningful connection.  Loving Presence customizes and provides what we most need, exactly at the time we need it.  We are here to receive the caring gift, and to be uplifted on our life path.

"Spiritual connection is our ability to intuitively understand something that impacts our soul and gives meaning to our lives.  Some people experience spiritual connection by having a relationship to the Creator...and all living things."

                            -- We R Native articles

Friday, November 22, 2024


I'm feeling drawn to this word, this idea.  I feel like I am opening to resource(s) in new ways.  Our Loving Creator has provided us with unlimited resources to be able to thrive in this world.  It is our task to connect with these provisions through tangible and intangible practices.  And we are asked to receive and utilize them wisely.

One of the most important resources available to us is Love.  Love is a resource that will never run out.  Our world is so out of balance that, collectively, we are not able to fully receive this resource--in fact, we push it away.  If we, as humans, could receive even a small amount more of this lavish resource, then a new balance would be created in the world.  Each of us has a heart, mind, and body--a receptacle--that can contain the vastness of Love.  It is our responsibility to clear away all of the layers that have prevented us from receiving this Love and from thriving on this planet Earth.  Once we receive more Love, then more Love can be shared between us and our cohabitants on Earth.  It is time for Love to burst out of our hearts' fullness and spread across our world.

"Love cures people--both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it."

                    --Karl Menninger   

"My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together."

                    --Desmond Tutu        

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Door Opening

In my present change process I have been in an "in-between" place.  Not a comfortable space for me, but an important space to honor and to have patience with.  Still, in just the past few days the energy has shifted.  I feel like a doorway is opening.  The path beyond it is unclear and Unknown to me.  But I can see the light streaming in through the crack of the opening.

Not always easy, this change time has been one of becoming more comfortable with uncertainty.  So while much is unclear about what will happen on the other side of the doorway, I feel uncharacteristically calm and expectant about my next steps.  A wonderful change has happened that has prepared me to walk gently and easily through this doorway into the Unknown.  I will stay open so that I can step forward with grace and in peace. 

"Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors where there were only walls."

                       --Joseph Campbell       

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Present

The present--it's a gift we give to ourselves.  Life sometimes flies with amazing speed.  We have many things to do, places to go.  It's easy to get swept up in the momentum.

This morning I sat on my couch briefly to check my phone.  I was doing the usual catch-up when my kitty Cassie came to sit on my lap.  She has done this before, with her napping and me scrolling on my phone or reading a book or the paper.  Today I was petting her soft fur when it occurred to me that this could be an incredible opportunity for bonding, for connecting, for healing touch.  So I put my phone down.  I gently massaged her little bones, gave her warm touch, and smoothed her fur with my hand.  I did this with the intention of nothing more than being present with another being.  As I did this I was filled with warmth and Love.  She fully received my Presence.  I truly felt how precious the energy was in our bonding.  All of the items on my day's agenda fell away.  There was no other attention except the sitting, connecting, warm contact and Being.  I feel like I have experienced this "being" many times before, but today the alive awareness seemed to be elevated to a level I had not known before.  So... wonderful.

All of this just served to demonstrate to me what this life is all about.  That there is nothing more important than Love.  And love grows out of what we put our energy and attention on.  Just those few minutes (maybe an hour) of stopping and connecting fully with my self and my kitty showed me that we are here to fully embody ourselves in the Present moment   That Love flourishes when we do this.  When we give ourselves the gift of the present moment, we are then able to share that "present" with other beings around us--large, small, animal, mineral, vegetable, and certainly human.  This is what Life asks of us.  We are here to do and to BE on our earth journey.  Love flows through all of this.

"It always pays to dwell slowly on the beautiful things--the more beautiful, the more slowly."



Saturday, August 17, 2024


I feel like I am finally ready to reflect on the events of the past months of May, June, and July.  In early May I was offering support to my next door neighbor of 9 years who was in some depression from her bipolar disorder.  She and I had conversations in passing, and I checked in on her from time to time.  In early June this round of depression for her had gone much deeper. She was needing assistance, but she was also refusing to accept many offers of help.  I did what I could, but she was also deeply troubled.  In mid-June she committed suicide with her gun.  I am the one who found her around 4:00 in the afternoon, a couple of days after she had died.  This experience has rocked me to the core.  It took many days/weeks for me to deal with the PTSD from this event.  And it required lots of conversations and hours of processing with neighbors and friends for me to bring myself back to a place of calm.  After my neighbor's memorial early this month I am now feeling more resolved and less affected by this experience.

Prior to this I had not been close to the experience of suicide. There is so much fallout that is unknown to anyone who has not been touched by it.  One important piece for me to address was the need to dispel the doubt I had about my actions and involvement.  I received a gift at the end of this day of crisis.  The officer in charge came to my door with some final pieces of information before he left.  He told me kindly, "You did all the right things."  I felt a huge weight lifted, and I felt so grateful and affirmed by this.  Another unexpected piece was that I needed to assist my kitty with her own version of post-traumatic stress, since she had heard the gunshot.  She struggled with the noises through the 4th of July.

So now on this side of it, I see that I am a much stronger person because of this life experience.  My return to balance, after going from normal life to the darkest human levels in an extremely short amount of time, has required me to lean on my solid inner foundation and on the love of the Creator.  I have found a level of COURAGE that I didn't know I possessed.  Life brings us experiences that push us to realize and claim our strength, so that we can continue forward even better equipped than we were before.  I feel solid and good about my life. I feel well-prepared as I open the door wide for what is yet to come.

"Choose life, only that and always and at whatever risk.  To let life leak out, to let it wear away by the mere passage of time, to withhold giving it and spreading it is to choose nothing."

               --Sister Helen Kelly

