I'm feeling drawn to this word, this idea. I feel like I am opening to resource(s) in new ways. Our Loving Creator has provided us with unlimited resources to be able to thrive in this world. It is our task to connect with these provisions through tangible and intangible practices. And we are asked to receive and utilize them wisely.One of the most important resources available to us is Love. Love is a resource that will never run out. Our world is so out of balance that, collectively, we are not able to fully receive this resource--in fact, we push it away. If we, as humans, could receive even a small amount more of this lavish resource, then a new balance would be created in the world. Each of us has a heart, mind, and body--a receptacle--that can contain the vastness of Love. It is our responsibility to clear away all of the layers that have prevented us from receiving this Love and from thriving on this planet Earth. Once we receive more Love, then more Love can be shared between us and our cohabitants on Earth. It is time for Love to burst out of our hearts' fullness and spread across our world.
"Love cures people--both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it."
--Karl Menninger
"My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together."
--Desmond Tutu