Thursday, October 27, 2011


In the midst of large change anxiety comes and goes.  Recently for me, it has been coming in the form of old patterns and messages that come from a part of me that isn't authentic; that isn't truly who I am.  I have needed to turn gentle and compassionate energy onto these old voices in order to free them from their stuck places, and enable them to move on.  Only then am I fully reconnected to my peaceful center and to my process of positive change.
"Tibetan practices teach us that we benefit by honoring and feeding the demons.  When the demons arrive we must recognize that they are part of the dance of life itself.  When they threaten, it is only our illusions that are in danger.  The deeper our bow to the awesome changing powers of life, the wiser we will be, and when we embrace them, they turn into a rainbow.  Every color shines in the awakened heart."                                                     --Jack Kornfield

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Opening to Gifts

Within the past week I have had several very powerful animal visitations.  Two in person, and one through the gift of thought.  Though the animals have been very different, their symbolism has included elements of plenty and abundance.  One clearly encouraged me to "Go for it."  These are welcome messages to me, and I'm continuing to stay open to the fullness of their energy and to further insights.  Conventional wisdom might say, "Look before your leap."  But I am being encouraged to leap and see where I land.  This is requiring the largest kind of trust I've ever placed in the Universe.  It is a fit for me at this time, and it calls on me to bring forward my fullest, largest self.  There is power available for us to access and utilize.  We are asked to open and receive.  We release control and allow the space that opens us to be filled.
"In detachment lies the wisdom of the wisdom of uncertainty lies the freedom from our past conditioning.  And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrated the dance of the universe."                        --Deepak Chopra

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Believing into Being

Amazing time.  Change is happening at deep levels.  We are all flowing with the tide of this change.  I am personally listening with all of my senses for the specific ways that Source is calling me to BE in this world at this time.  I am being asked to put full trust in the unfolding of my best life.  The task for me is to believe always that the Universe has my best interests at heart.  The active expression of this task is Being.  I am being encouraged to believe that by being who I am in the present moment,  the outward expression of my highest good will become the physical truth of my life.  Very challenging stuff.  And yet my beliefs are strong that there is overwhelming wisdom, benevolence, and power at work in all facets of my life and Life in its most grand form.  We are here to live and love and flourish within the vibrant energy of Divine Presence.
"You are already where you need to be.  You need go nowhere else.  Feel it now in the moisture on your tongue.  Sense the effortless filling and emptying of your lungs, the involuntary blinking of your eyes.  Just an inch or so behind your sternum where your heart beats.  That is where the makom is (the place of God).  Right here all along and we did not know it because we were fast asleep, here in this very makom."                                     --Rabbi Lawrence Kushner