Sunday, June 26, 2016


This feels like such an auspicious time.  Webster's dictionary describes this word as "good omen, boding well for the future, favored by fortune."  That makes it feel even more "awe-spicious."  This year of large changes and high energy is having a crescendo at this summer solstice time.  Our world is in some chaos, yet for me it feels like creative birthing.  We are all helping to unfold something creative that bodes well for the future.  It feels important to continue to steadfastly hold up thoughts of mindful compassion for ourselves and toward others.
"Our compassion for ourselves and for others is one way to invest our life force energy in order to collect the benefits of unswerving compassion and inner peace.  We can see that in order to maintain balance, walking our talk can involve a whole new set of disciplines that require boundless energy, grounding, compassion, focused intent, and mercy toward ourselves and others."
                                                                --Jamie Sams