Sunday, November 26, 2017


Change does not usually prompt anything in me that causes me to relax.  I have fears about the Unknown that are gradually subsiding, but when I encounter new things I need to remind myself to relaaaax....  Because it's not my first response.  I am in the hands of the Creator and all is well.  Larger creation is at work bringing us through some disconcerting events to more constructive times.  I am writing about staying relaxed because it's what I need to hear.  And it also allows me to direct my energy with greater ease toward uplifting productivity.
       "A relaxed mind is a creative mind."
             --Anonymous tea bag wisdom

Sunday, October 29, 2017


A lot of what's going on in the world today doesn't instill us with a lot of confidence about these times.  As well, each of our personal lives could be feeling a little shaky with all that is happening.  I myself have been feeling the intensity of these changing times, and this tells me that a lot of shifting is happening.  While new things come forward for me to experience, I don't always feel like I'm prepared to meet them, much less to excel at them.  These feelings come from old places, and stem from a time when I felt it it was all up to me.  But the truth is that we are riding this blue-green gemstone Earth through time and space, and that larger forces are at work here.  We have resources greater than ourselves that are available to us, and spirit helpers who are more than willing to assist us with our every request.  So much more ease can come to us when we open our hearts, our minds, and ourselves to this ever-present Source. 
"Moving forward does not necessarily require you to have confidence in yourself.  Confidence in God is enough, along with knowing that God works through you and with you in all ways."

                                                                  --Doreen Virtue         

Friday, September 29, 2017


Such a large concept.  Many people want to equate prosperity with money.  But money is only a small piece of what prosperity's essence is all about.  I have to remind myself that money is a quantitative element while prosperity is more qualitative.  It includes money, but its essence  has to do with overall quality of life.  Prosperity embraces health, wealth, happiness, friends, family, home, work, comfort, contentment.  Is my life good?  When I answer, "Yes," that's prosperity.   In the midst of change, this is a helpful affirmation for me, and it prompts me to be mindful of the things that I'm grateful for in my life.
Another aspect of prosperity is receiving.  Sometimes I have had to prepare myself to receive.  That means I allow myself to be open to gifts and resources and love coming into my life.  I also have to be clear that I deserve these gifts, because they come from God--Source of all that is.  
"I don't fully understand Divine Goodness, but I am a part of Larger Spirit, and that largeness is creating my prosperous life."
                                           --Sue Whitacre, journal from 2012     

Sunday, August 27, 2017


Yes, we've just had a most amazing cosmic gift.  The total eclipse of the sun was a powerful and awesome event in our lives.  It had everything:  dark/light, letting go/opening, energy shifts, a corona and solar flares, not to mention just being an amazing visual and sensory experience.  I just keep using the word amazing!!
I intend to ride for quite awhile on the energy and magnificence of this time.  I felt prompted to do a personal inventory of my dream life.  By facing it head-on I received powerful information about changes that need to happen.  I am committed to making those changes, and to moving forward as I feel guided to move.  I hope each of us becomes more of who we came here to be.  We certainly have been reminded that our Universe is Ginormous, and that Creation is Awesome and deserving of our steadfast Attention!
"There was a kind of Zen quantumness to her thinking:  the belief that everything in the universe is linked.  Science might not argue with her today as passionately as I did back then.
'That's foolish, Mom.  Small events can't shape larger ones.'
'Why not?'
'A connection suggests meaning, even consciousness.'
'And the universe isn't--'
'Sentient?  No.'
She smiled and leaned into the eyepiece [of her telescope]. 
'Tell me that doesn't look alive,' she said.
                                                             --Charles Calia
                                                              The Stargazing Year


Friday, August 4, 2017

Spiral of Time

I missed making a post in July.  Time is a funny thing these days.  I used to operate only on chronological time.  Then I found a different way of experiencing time as I learned to be present in my life.  Time began to move in a more curvy or spherical fashion.  It was not held within the narrow boundary of one minute after another.  Creative time seems to have no boundaries.  Time that I spend when I feel fully centered and connected also feels boundless and open, and there always seems to be enough of it.  But right now I feel like there is a blending of the two experiences.  Chronological time is working with creative time to form a unique blend of what feels like a spiraling or a holistic meandering.  This feels like a flowing openness.
"When each day
is sacred

when each hour 
is sacred

when each instant 
is sacred

earth and you
space and you
bearing the sacred
through time

you'll reach
the fields of light."


Saturday, June 24, 2017

Heart Love

Always move toward love.  It banishes fear.  It eases your soul.  Love fills your heart with the essence that you were meant to have and to be.
"Carry on.
Love is coming.
Love is coming to us all."

            --Stephen Stills 

Saturday, May 27, 2017


Peace is the personal responsibility of each one of us.  If we are at peace then this is the energy we bring to our surroundings.  We are all on a journey toward finding peace, making peace, building peace, being peace, creating peace, and living a peaceful life.  May peace be with you.
"If peace, the ideal, is to be our common destiny, then peace, the experience, must be our common practice."
                                                                 --Henry Kissinger   

Sunday, April 30, 2017

All Shall Be Well

These days are full of change.  While the potential for much conflict seems great, much of life is continuing in positive ways.  People all over the world are making small changes that are adding up to something that may balance all of the issues that seem to be threatening Life in many of its forms.  It is up to each of us to continue on our own journeys as closely as we are able.  While we may think nothing is happening, there is much that we don't know.  So why not imagine the possibility that something positive and creative is happening?  No time for doom and gloom.  We must get on with the business of living our own true and authentic lives.
"All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well."
                                                            --Julian of Norwich 

Sunday, March 26, 2017


This time of Spring equinox is about balance.  Winter is changing to Spring, dark is turning to light, water is moving toward fire.  Creation moves from limited activity to outward expression of life.  It's the blossoming time, and it emerges out of this balance of opposites.  We are being called to a time of transformation and change--change at a personal level and change at monumental levels.  Keeping ourselves in balance will assist us in this transition.  Enjoy the change energy of Spring--enjoy the ride of your Life!
"There is an impulse to resurrect our lives--if only out of the doldrums of winter.  This is found throughout the Earth and most apparent in the natural world.  It is time to focus upon the conscious transmutation of our lives.
...This is the time for the fires of the new....This new radiance can effect changes in all avenues of our life.  It awakens the 'magic green fire' of Gaelic legends--the alchemical force--one of the greatest forces found within Nature....We must learn to attune to [seasonal changes] to take advantage of [this alchemy]."
                                                                              --Ted Andrews


Sunday, February 26, 2017


Time is a matter of choice.  How we spend our time is what shapes our lives, and it's what moves us down our life path.  Feeling like I don't have time pushes me to be clear about my focus of activity or inactivity during stretches when I do have time--my own time.  
Another side of time is waiting until the time is right.  Many ideas present themselves, but I know from experience that only a few ideas come forward to be acted upon.  Even these few ideas possess a strong sense of right timing.  I will take joyful action when the time is right.
Present moments help me make my choices about my time and my actions.
"It could happen any time, tornado, 
earthquake, Armageddon.  It could happen.
Or sunshine, love, salvation.

It could, you know.  That's why we wake
and look out--no guarantees
in this life.

But some bonuses, like morning, 
like right now, like noon,
like evening."
                                  --William Stafford


Sunday, January 29, 2017


Remain calm.  In the face of adversity this is what we are reminded to do.  My present "adversity" is living and being in the Unknown.  I do believe that the all-encompassing Unknown holds the unexpected gifts of my unfolding life.  And yet, I have fear while I am residing in this place and space of the Unknown.  So this reminder of calm is perfect.  I also know that staying in the present moment brings me calm.  Being fully present in my own life is best. 
"You are always Here.  Where else could you be?  What a relief."
                                                         --Josh Baran