Sunday, December 30, 2018


We are temporary guests in this home we call Earth.  We have behaved poorly as guests, taking advantage of and exploiting the gifts this home has shared with us.  I'm feeling like we have done more harm than good in our sojourn here.  Isn't it time we all, not just indigenous cultures, turned our attention toward partnering with the earth?  Cooperation could be life-changing and life-saving.

"Three primary essentials of genius--an eye that can see nature, a heart that can feel nature, and a boldness that dares follow it."
                                     --Welsh Bardic Triads 

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Nothing, yet Something

I feel like I'm stepping up to write this post but I have no content.  That is exactly what some things are feeling like in my life right now.  I am open to receiving a whole new way of living in the world, and some things are coming into being, but many others are not clear and they are Unknown to me at this time.  Amazingly, I am okay with this, because I am feeling uplifted by the energy of change.  I am feeling the positive energy of forward movement, and that is keeping me open and engaged.  New things are on the horizon.  Love is the driving force.
"Love opens all doors.  I let it flow through me lavishly, abundantly, and generously."                                                    --Louise Hay  

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Rising Above

As we move toward a politically charged election time I feel like moving away from all of the polarized energy that is getting outwardly expressed.  It feels important to me to focus on love, and on what can sustain us as citizens of the earth.  Larger values must be called into service to help us rise above the fray.  Higher beliefs are needed to carry us into a new world--a new way of being with all of life.
"The original instructions of the Creator are universal and valid for all time.  The essence of these instructions is compassion for all life and love for all creation.  We must realize that we do not live in a world of dead matter, but in a universe of living spirit.  Let us open our eyes to the sacredness of Mother Earth, or our eyes will be opened for us."
                                    --Native American elder David Monongye    

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Being Patient

Slow down, I hear myself saying, even when something inside me is pushing at my seams.  I know this pushing is old energy--old pattern--and I try to see this from a place of objectivity.  I am moving naturally, authentically, and I know that my life path is unfolding as it is meant to.  So I let the inner voices, messages, and pleadings have their day because they are temporal, they are not the truth, and I know they need a way out of me so that they will be released.  So this is a time of being patient--with these old messages and with myself because time is what I need right now.  Time to move with the energies of inner and outer, and time to let the process go where it needs to go.  Everything is finding its way in harmony with the workings of the Universe.
"Release constriction and anxiety for there is no need for tension.  Savor the moment, and the waiting won't prove difficult.  Your heart knows what the ego often resists learning.  Patience pays off in deep and meaningful ways."
                                             --Colette Baron-Reid   

Sunday, July 29, 2018

One Day

These days move at a pace of their own.  I may wish for things to move along more quickly, but truly I know that life is best lived one day at a time.  I feel eager for the changes that I sense are on the way.  And still I know that they will come as each day moves through its purpose.  Attending to each day will create my dreams.  Every day is a contribution to the whole.  Each day is to be honored, savored and enjoyed for the richness that it brings to the tapestry of my whole life.  I always benefit from this reminder to fully experience each day.
"So at the end of this day, we give thanks
For being betrothed to the unknown
And for the secret work
Through which the mind of the day
And wisdom of the soul become one."
                --John O'Donohue 

Sunday, June 24, 2018


Summer Solstice.  Height of blossoming time; spring turns into warmth and play and outdoor fun.  Weather invites us to enjoy being out in nature.  Gardens prosper with our nurturing.  Plants and animals grow and exchange life in an infinite variety of forms of outward expression. Days are longer and energy is higher.  The sun appears with regularity, asking us to come out and play.  I am enjoying the fresh air and warmer (even hot) temperatures. I feel like playing and and taking it easy.  This is a lovely change of pace from the waiting days of cooler seasons.  The Universe inspires us to be creative and rambunctious!
"Fun and play are necessary parts of life for children and adults.  These types of activities help us live healthier lives, and allow us to attain our desires more quickly.  Fun is part of living a balanced life."                                                                              --Doreen Virtue   

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Wild Ride

I have been feeling a lot of change energy in these past few days.  Sometimes things have felt erratic, unpredictable, and like they're moving at an unfamiliar and wild pace.  If I move on my true path, then tapping into my wild self is part of that journey.  This wildness is a good thing.  It is a doorway to change and to re-imagining my life.  It requires attention and commitment to the unfolding process.
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
                                                                  --Mary Oliver 

Friday, April 27, 2018


I am listening.  I am receiving clarity.  I am having more questions.  This time begs me to trust that I have all that I need right here inside of myself.  Yet changes feel daunting, challenging.  I know that I have asked for these changes; for this re-imagining of my life.  I feel the fear that arises because this is unfamiliar.  I am encouraged to stay in the present moment and not to rush ahead to what may come.  This moment brings me calm---peace.  The rest of the story has not yet been told.  I am creating it here in every moment.  I am working with the Universe to listen for each step of this creative process.  I am the artist of my life.
"Listen quietly without cherishing any ideas."                                                              --Zen Master Shen-ts'an          

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Vernal Equinox

We are now in the balance of light and dark.  The days and nights are essentially the same length.  Spring brings new, bright energy as the life force quickens in plant roots and stems, and animals make their move to new seasonal homes.  We humans are not exempt from being influenced by this life force energy.  We are liberated from our indoor environments, and we soak up the sun on our faces.  Spring brings a great opportunity to get a fresh perspective on our life and its direction.  We can dust off the cobwebs and shake off the doldrums of winter.  What is it that you are looking forward to?  This is a great time to take stock and reassess your best hopes and dreams.  It's a good time to take next steps toward our most joyous and satisfying form of living on this planet.  These are my hopes for myself and for all of us as we watch Spring gently unfold, and as we open to a world of new beginnings.
"The same stream of life that runs through the world runs through my veins night and day and dances in rhythmic measures.  It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of earth into the numberless blades of grass and breaks into tumultuous waves of flowers."
                                                           --Rabindranath Tagore                                              

Friday, February 23, 2018


The quiet of winter has given way to so many events in our world.  The word chaos is coming to mind.  Things are feeling stirred up right now.  This can cause us to feel unsettled and out of sync, possibly even a little on edge or irritable.  At this moment to me it feels like we are creating the foundation for change.  We have been asleep and we need to wake up.  We have hidden ourselves in shadows and those shadows are now coming forward into the light of day.  We are all connected, and we are being encouraged to work together to bring needed changes--to transform ourselves into a new world of compassionate human beings.  So we are now in the chaos that presses for change and that creates tension in order to bring about that change.  We can hold this tension with our love.
"Before the beginning of great brilliance there must be chaos.
                           --from the I Ching

"In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order."
                           --Carl Jung 


Friday, January 5, 2018

Quiet Time

The old year has gently slipped past.  I just spent much of that time moving slowly and gently myself.  I am now beginning to embrace the new year and its potential for change.  While I believe many things are in transformation mode,  I also honor the energy of this winter season.  That means I am still spending inward, quiet time.  I am remembering how plant and animal life stays underground, and continues to function quietly if not in a fully dormant state.  I also love the quiet, and I like taking the time to allow the new to come into being slowly, a little at a time.  We are all in a rush so much of the time.  I feel grateful and glad to allow this time to sift gently, and to let possibilities unfold in their own way.
"How shall the mighty river
reach the tiny seed?
See it rise silently
to the sun's yearning,
sail from a winter's cloud 
flake after silent flake
piling up layer upon layer
until the thaw of spring
to meet the seedling's need."
           --Antoinette Adam