Sunday, June 24, 2018


Summer Solstice.  Height of blossoming time; spring turns into warmth and play and outdoor fun.  Weather invites us to enjoy being out in nature.  Gardens prosper with our nurturing.  Plants and animals grow and exchange life in an infinite variety of forms of outward expression. Days are longer and energy is higher.  The sun appears with regularity, asking us to come out and play.  I am enjoying the fresh air and warmer (even hot) temperatures. I feel like playing and and taking it easy.  This is a lovely change of pace from the waiting days of cooler seasons.  The Universe inspires us to be creative and rambunctious!
"Fun and play are necessary parts of life for children and adults.  These types of activities help us live healthier lives, and allow us to attain our desires more quickly.  Fun is part of living a balanced life."                                                                              --Doreen Virtue   

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Wild Ride

I have been feeling a lot of change energy in these past few days.  Sometimes things have felt erratic, unpredictable, and like they're moving at an unfamiliar and wild pace.  If I move on my true path, then tapping into my wild self is part of that journey.  This wildness is a good thing.  It is a doorway to change and to re-imagining my life.  It requires attention and commitment to the unfolding process.
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
                                                                  --Mary Oliver