Sunday, June 30, 2019


Summer Solstice is a time of fulfillment.  Seeds have sprouted and are now producing flowers and fruit.  Plants that we placed in the ground are growing to their full potential with our care and attention.  Animals are nurturing their young into maturity and independence.  We ourselves have put well-honed dreams into the ether, and now is the time of their fullest expression.  Who we are is what is coming to pass.  These days bring us opportunities to be our deepest and best selves.  Our task is to stay focused and to pay attention to the opportunities that show up on our paths.  Every step brings something new and also shows us the latest version of our most authentic selves.  Creation happens every day.  Celebrate the sun shining brightly on our beings as we live our truth!
"We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled.  The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out."
                                       --Ray Bradbury