I am feeling the energy of breaking out, of busting loose! Some of that is my experience of springtime, and much of this feeling is coming from being cooped up and having my activities restricted. Mostly, I feel like this "get free" energy is the larger energy call of these times. Something in all of us is being released. We have felt our fears with the experience of this virus pandemic. And it also feels like it's time to release those long-held fears. It's time to break out of our previously unknown restrictions based in fear. We are truly born free, and the time has come to turn our faces to the sun and let that light shine in to scatter the fear and darkness. Many people still want to be cautious, yet that will not inhibit these breakout feelings. They are already out of their box, and we can now live outside our own boxes of limitation. Expressing our personal freedom feels like the next evolutionary wave of our global experience together.
"Each person carries within their core the birthright of creative freedom, which, when organized and orchestrated, is the most awesome force on earth."
--Bryant McGill
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
--Anais Nin