Spring comes and brings with it everything new. The days can be rainy, but that rain seems to scrub away the old dustiness of winter. The weather can also be windy, and that wind feels like it whisks away any leftover staleness or heaviness from the season of dormancy and the time of going within. New life springs forth in a myriad of bright and colorful forms. We are invited to go outside again by the warmer, longer days and the brighter light. As I walk outside I am prompted to take in deep breaths of newly cleansed air. There is a freshness that brings a lightness to my spirit. Every inhalation feels like new breath, new life--especially after this past year. I feel more than ready for this new beginning.
"Today I close the door of my past, open the door of my future, take a deep breath, and step through to a new life."
--Louise Hay