We are experiencing the heat of summer in extreme ways in our part of the country. Heat is an amazing thing. It makes precious metals softer and more malleable if they have become brittle. Heat is also used to temper other metals, making them stronger and better able to accommodate weight and stress. Heat puts us to the test. It presses the toxins out of us; makes us sweat. Again, with metals, extreme heat causes impurities to be burned off, so that when the metal melts, cools, and reforms, a more pure and true form of the metal exists. This is how I am experiencing the heat of these past days. It is a time of higher change, of moving toward my precious and authentic life. Unnecessary elements are being burned off, and toxins are being released to make way for the reforming of my past self into a higher form of my true self. While it might feel so uncomfortable when the heat is being applied, the feeling on the other side is one of being fresh and new, flexible and strong. This feeling of releasing and opening to changes is creating a path for new life experiences.
"You cannot grow unless you are willing to change. You will never improve yourself if you cling to what you used to be."
--Leon Brown