We are here on earth at a precarious time. It's important for us to navigate our way as it best suits who we are. We are also being asked to grow and expand on our journey through this lifetime. Part of that growth may include evolving our souls. As we connect more deeply with our essential being within this human structure, we usually find a stronger connection with our Higher Being. Making more sense of our incarnation helps us to understand more intimately the Source of our creation. We are here to help each other to embrace our best selves. We are sharing an Earth experience, and we are here to lift each other up.
"We need to remember that we are Energy and Light and Love and that we are here to Master these energies in Human Form. When we can focus on that and release anything that is 'not love' and is not supportive of our essence and our soul, then we can raise up the frequencies and find that place where we feel that we resonate."
--Celia Fenn