Friday, December 30, 2022

Endings and Beginnings

The chronological year is coming to a close.  This invites a time of reflection and review.  Endings are sometimes bittersweet since they can also 
be times of letting go.  We can be tempted to cling to "what was" because we don't know what is yet to come, or because we aren't comfortable with letting go.  Even in the face of this transition we are encouraged to stay open to the germination of something new.  This can be a time of quiet unknowing and small beginnings. At some point we may be asked to stop listening to other people and to just live our own true lives--the lives that we came here to live--the expression of our true selves.  Wrap yourself in love as you look toward the unfurling of new life that is on its way.

"When one door closes another door opens, but we often look so regretfully upon the closing door that we do not see the ones which open for us."

                                    --Alexander Graham Bell

"Do you not see how everything that happens keeps on being a beginning?"

                                   --Rainer Maria Rilke    

Wednesday, November 30, 2022


Freedom comes in many forms.  Regarding individual freedom, there are as many versions of this as there are people in the world.  We are each responsible for understanding what is the best version of freedom for our unique selves.  I feel like my life has been full of events and activities that have helped me to define what my own freedom looks like.  First I had to do a lot of things that were not me, so that I could move on to the things that truly are me.  With each true encounter I experienced strength, joy, and a reclaiming of power.  Now I am stepping into new situations daily that are encouraging me to be my true self, no matter how unfamiliar this may all feel. I will continue to step forward with the confidence of knowing that I am free to allow and to experience a safe and full emergence of my true self. 

"You no longer need to hide your Universal power.  Nor do you need to pretend you are someone you are not--or that fear is your dominant life direction.  You are free." 

                                          --Brenda Hoffman  

Sunday, October 30, 2022


There is such high energy right now.  Opposites are clashing, and there is a generalized wild energy swirling.  These days are meant to be lived through.  We are here to help each other, and to move humanity and the world forward to a more loving place.  This large purpose would not be anyone's guess if you listened only to the chaos that surrounds us.  I am hearing many lovely stories about people being their best selves and acting in courageous ways to assist others in the midst of many crises of the present time.  These examples of brave human responses are where I am choosing to focus my attention.  These sorts of caring acts are where I want to invest my best efforts.  There is always an invitation to join in with the crowd that is expressing fear or anger.  These old energies are surfacing in order to release and to transform.  I am refusing the invitation to participate in these old, destructive ways.  I am choosing to join in with the construction of a more vigorous, balanced, and whole world with a strong foundation of love.

"Life presents many choices.  The choices we make determine our future."

                              --Catherine Pulsifer

Friday, September 30, 2022


I feel like I am beginning a new phase of my creative life.  Old ways have not been fruitful, and it no longer fits for me to till that barren land.  So I have begun to take small steps toward a new creative life.  This path not only includes my artistic outlets, but it also embraces my whole life and my process of becoming a new creation.  Much of this is Unknown to me, and I am using my walking stick to navigate this new trail.  It is more about Being in these moments and days and less about doing.  So instead of farming my old garden to death, I am now lightly stepping into new, unexplored territory.  This is an expedition of sorts. I feel certain that fertile ground is waiting for me as I travel on this well guided journey. 

"We were born to be free, to expand our horizons by going where we have never gone before, and not to hang out in the relative comfort and safety of the nest, the known.  There is a place within us that is courageous beyond our human understanding, it yearns to explore beyond the boundaries of our daily life."

                                         --Dennis Merritt Jones

Wednesday, August 31, 2022


Moving into new life is a matter of taking steps.  I have been stepping up and moving forward through small steps.  These steps are suggested in my thoughts as quiet prompts.  Initially I feel some resistance and discomfort with these ideas. I let the resistant feelings release, and I follow through with the prompts. Then there are the tentative feelings of uncertainty.  Again I hear those and, in the face of them, I still take the next step.  I am finding that when I do take these slow and quiet steps I become connected with unexpected joy and a new understanding of my true self. This week I took a big step that I had been preparing for, and yet I had still experienced some delay with. That same day I made some tea. My tea bag message was this:  "You totally got this!"  I never saw that one before!  I was able to see my alignment firsthand, and the Universe was there to cheer me on--literally.  These new life experiences are just one liberating step after another!

"Moving forward first requires a step to be taken."

                     --Charles S. M . Neill  


Sunday, July 31, 2022

Receiving, Moving Forward

Since I made my last post, several important changes have come into my life.  Two vital pieces of my life having to do with creative art expression and transportation have been resolved.  These came after trial and error, and also after pauses and redirections.  The identity changes I have been experiencing are moving me into my new self, and toward new involvements in my life.  I welcome these grace-filled changes with open arms!  They are affirmations that I am on track, and that my process has been leading me in the direction that's right for me.  There is so much uncertainty in the world, but my recent experiences tell me that I am being my best self in the midst of these chaotic days.  That's the best news I've had in awhile!

"Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off."

                                           --Max Lucado


Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Grieving, Moving Forward

So much change is in process.  I feel like my own personal identity is dismantling and reconstructing, all at the same time.  It feels like I am right on schedule with the rest of the world, where dismantling and reconstruction are also happening on a grander scale.  It's a good thing--it's not easy.  I'm feeling the emotions of this time of letting go.  I feel sad, afraid, open, creative, happy, shaky.  This is a whirlwind time that I agreed to go through in order to become a midwife for myself and for others as we navigate this rocky path.  It's heartbreaking to let go of what is known.  It's heart lifting and invigorating to blaze a trail through the unknown  An amazing time of change.  Every little thing is gonna be alright.

"Sometimes your heart will break.

...And it will seem an impossible task;

...To live in the midst of the inevitable breakdown

Of life as we have known it.

Be gentle with yourselves

...It is only as we make room

For that which has remained homeless

within us

That we can be a healing force for this world."



"Don't worry about a thing.  Cause every little thing's gonna be alright."

                                 --Bob Marley





Sunday, May 29, 2022


With all that is happening in our world, it's easy to feel like we need to attend to the struggle.  We are each here to offer our strengths, and that's what is most important for us to stay focused on.  So the best use of our time and energy in these days of change is to spend it on connecting with our essence.  Essence is what brings us joy, assists us in making human connections, and keeps us acting in authentic ways as we walk in the world.  When we connect with our essence others receive our true energy in ways that make us shine.  This energy exchange encourages those who are around us to shine also.  Our true work--our true selves--these are the bright lights we were brought here to express and to share with each other.  Bring your shining essence to the world!

"...stand up and show your soul.  Soul on deck shines like gold in dark times.  The light of the soul throws sparks, can send up flares, builds signal fires, causes proper matters to catch fire.  To display the lantern of the soul in shadowy times like these--to be fierce and to show mercy toward others; both are acts of immense bravery and greatest necessity." 

                                   --Clarissa Pinkola Estes     

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Remaining Calm

Staying centered.  Staying calm.  This is my intention for these days.  Not the Queen's type of calm, as in "Keep calm and carry on."  This is not a time to stuff our feelings of anxiety and pretend everything is fine.  It is a time to recognize that a lot is happening in the world that is creating chaos.  There is wild energy swirling in all parts of the world.  It is important to acknowledge that we are all being bombarded daily with things that don't feel right.

In light of this it is our responsibility to stay grounded and clear and full of compassion.  A tall order, I know.  But we are here to enjoy life and to do our best.  It is possible to stay separate from the mayhem, even if that is a challenging task.  Many people are stepping forward to assist in this endeavor.  Each of us needs to explore how to connect with our best energy in ways that work for us personally.  May you be blessed with strength and clarity.

"You are the sky.  Everything else is just the weather."

                               --Pema Chodron              

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Just Being

Today I am just being.  It is enough.  It's all good. It feels good and right to connect at a deep internal level with my best self.  To connect with the energy that is truly me.  It is peaceful, it is humble.  I feel refreshed and renewed with this energy and connection.  Staying in this space brings me much joy.  Nothing else is necessary today.  Springtime invites us to begin anew, and to usher in this next phase of life.  I wish you a day of peace and gentle connection.

"Believing in our hearts that who we are is enough is the key to a more satisfying and balanced life."

                                       --Ellen Sue Stern  

Sunday, February 27, 2022


We are in a time of creating new ways to be in the world.  With the upheaval of the past 2 years we have had the opportunity to see how our established structures have not been working well.  Especially with regard to our non-inclusive institutions and our detached relationship with the natural world.  This time gives us the opportunity to re-imagine who we are and what kind of world we want to live in.  People are connecting and gathering in new ways and for a variety of purposes.  I feel like this is the beginning of a creative reorganization of what has been into what can be.  We are forming a network and building a web-like framework that can become a new foundation of earth experience that is compassionate and mutually beneficial to all beings--plants, animals, minerals, elements and humans.  Continue on your path with an open heart and an open mind. 

"We carry a new world here, in our hearts.  That world is growing this minute."

                            --Buenaventura Durruti


Sunday, January 30, 2022


I love being in Nature.  My stress level drops immediately when I am away from "civilized" life.  Nature vibrates with an energy that benefits humans profoundly if we open ourselves to receiving that goodness.  It is possible for us to have reciprocal conversations when we find ourselves in the midst of natural settings.  At those times we might be focused on a personal life issue. If we sit quietly within the energy of nature's presence, Nature will often speak to us through our thoughts and visions.  We provide the questions.  Nature brings us suggested answers.  It's a wonderful and amazing communication process.

"In every walk with Nature one receives far more than they seek."

                                  --John Muir