Friday, December 30, 2022

Endings and Beginnings

The chronological year is coming to a close.  This invites a time of reflection and review.  Endings are sometimes bittersweet since they can also 
be times of letting go.  We can be tempted to cling to "what was" because we don't know what is yet to come, or because we aren't comfortable with letting go.  Even in the face of this transition we are encouraged to stay open to the germination of something new.  This can be a time of quiet unknowing and small beginnings. At some point we may be asked to stop listening to other people and to just live our own true lives--the lives that we came here to live--the expression of our true selves.  Wrap yourself in love as you look toward the unfurling of new life that is on its way.

"When one door closes another door opens, but we often look so regretfully upon the closing door that we do not see the ones which open for us."

                                    --Alexander Graham Bell

"Do you not see how everything that happens keeps on being a beginning?"

                                   --Rainer Maria Rilke