Sunday, December 31, 2023


Breathing out the Old.  Breathing in the New.  Feels like this is a time of things shifting.  We have been through so much this past year.  We are opening to better things happening with the fresh new calendar year.  I feel relief personally to be letting go of 2023.  And I am investing great energy into the promise of 2024. Together we will help each other move into places of shared community.  We are moving forward into our best possible outcomes.  Joy is definitely in the mix. 

"As the clock strikes midnight let us not just mark a new year; but ignite the flames of hope within our hearts, kindling the path to transformation."

                   --Aloo Denish Obiero          

Thursday, November 30, 2023


I am learning how to be in this process of creating my new story.  Many thoughts are swirling about where to focus my energies.  The most helpful approach for me is to stay rooted in my self, and to listen for what are the most important items in each moment.  There is so much to learn and to experience in a different way.  This is great!  And it  will happen for me as it is meant to happen.  I will stay grounded and present, knowing that this is the advent of a wonderful time of growing.  And I am receiving fine assistance each day.  I am a walking, living miracle.

"Life is a learning process.  You are a learner.  Seek answers to the puzzles of your life."

                     --Lailah Gifty Akita

"Out of difficulties grow miracles."

                     --Jean de la Bruyere



Tuesday, October 31, 2023

A New Story

I am opening to a new way of Being.
  I am creating a new story.  I am believing that the Universe conspires to assist me, walking with me to my place of fulfillment.  I am no longer wearing the old, heavy cloak of disappointment.  I am taking on a mantle of lightness and joy, of peace and prosperity.  Each day will show me how this story is being created.  For now, I am trusting that my new life is under construction.

"Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable."

                        --Mary Oliver    

Friday, October 13, 2023

Season of Letting Go

My story is one of going from victim to victory, from tragedy to triumph.  Amazing miracle, really.  I have kept my story to myself as I moved through a lifetime of creative, expressive, and alternative healing.  I now know that this holding of my story was out of  protection--first for my self and my process--then out of protection of other people who might not want to hear and know this story.  Today I am clear that I no longer need to to be the keeper of this story.  Every step forward for me has been a step toward freedom.  I am now fully free and whole.  For me to continue to carry this story would mean that I would be keeping myself bound by the secrecy.  Those days are over.  It's time for me to fully be who I AM, and this story has profoundly shaped my life and my being.  I now release this story into the world.

I know my story is disturbing and hard to hear.  My story begins in my 20's after a failed marriage, and after teaching 2 years of public school art.  I was living my "normal" young life.  I was enjoying the adventure of living by myself, pursuing further art studies at a university, and making a variety of good friendships.  Later, in my early 30's I was still on my own, creating my own artwork, working with a therapist on relationship issues, and enjoying the company of a wonderful group of supportive friends.  This combination of life circumstances created the safe space for a long-suppressed memory to make its way to the surface.  I became conscious of a one-time incident of sexual abuse committed against me by my father, when I was just a toddler.  My pain and angst were immediate.  Shame was the overriding shadow.  So many horrific feelings passed through along with turbulent sobs of pain and grief.  And then I was left with the long healing journey.  My process of healing covered decades, and it consisted of:  art as an expressive outlet for understanding the stages and steps on my path, therapy for sorting out the layers, and friends for spiritual support and helping me to see things in a different light.  As a result of this creative and holistic healing, I was ushered through my trauma and pain.  My healing process eventually became self-sustaining, and my newly found strength allowed for much wisdom to come to me and through me.  A radical move in my later life to the Pacific Northwest has allowed for a final completion of this large healing of my self and soul.

With the help of Source, I have overcome all obstacles that resulted from the fallout of this early crushing blow to my tender self and spirit.  I can say with confidence that I am now a fully integrated, whole and happy person, living a peaceful and satisfying life.

So now begins the rest of my life.  I am embarking on a new path of expressing who I AM in the world, as part of the Universe.  This path is forming and unfolding as I focus on all of the things I love--art, fun, time to just BE, earth connecting, and all parts of Nature, especially plants and animals. I celebrate all of the wonder and bounty that surrounds us.  I love playing and creating with other people on their paths.  I love celebrating and honoring the days, seasons, cycles, patterns, and joys of our lives.  I love having an unlimited curiosity that brings me joy and humility as I explore all of Life.  And so it is that I partner with All That Is.               


Saturday, September 30, 2023

It's Time

The time has come to move ahead.  All things have fallen into place.  The place I have moved to has aligned me with my soul's purpose.  I am now a pure and true vessel for receiving, and for bringing my life's purpose into being.  I am the open bowl ready to receive guidance and next steps for this unfolding new chapter of my life.  All that I have lived has brought me to this place, but it is no longer needed for this new life beginning.  I have attained a mastery over the themes of my past.  I now bring truly everything that I AM to this task that is ahead.  I feel ready and filled with peace.  My life stretches out before me.

"The time is now.

The person is you."

     --Nido R. Qubein

"The present time has one advantage over every other--it is our own."

     --Charles Caleb Cotton           

Tuesday, August 29, 2023


The new is all about fresh beginnings.  It's about being born to a different life; a new set of circumstances.  It means I have finished a previous type of life, and I get to participate in a new and unknown life.  I am feeling grateful, humbled, and eager to move into this newness.  These days are about transitioning.  I am currently transitioning out of a life that no longer serves me, and into a life that will allow for the best expression of who I AM.  It feels like the best kind of do-over, and I am freely and easily stepping into a new adventure!  All good!

"The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun."

                                     --Chris McCandless   


Monday, July 31, 2023


As doors close in so many parts of my life, I realize there is another side to this process of letting go.  This other side has everything to do with being, and with opening to a new way of living my life.  That new way is one of listening and moving with the natural energy of my life essence.  It is a life of ease, joy, and doing things without effort.  As I stay open to this new life, a whole world is opening to me that I wasn't aligned with before.  It carries a wonderful feeling of lightness, free of burden.  Fully free... .

"Right at the end of the road, a new way will be revealed."

                        --Hiral Nagda

"And suddenly you know:  It's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings."

                        --Meister Eckhart


Friday, June 30, 2023

Growing Time

We are now in the Summer Solstice season.  This time is when all the plants and animals are growing toward the fullness of this year.  I am feeling this energy, too.  Spring gave us the focus of our growth for the year.  Now we are nurturing, watering, feeding, and tending to our unique projects for this year of large change.  I feel so much that my own main project is creating myself.  I am creating a new self that I haven't previously known. I am moving toward a better self.  A self that is more attuned to nature, to others around me, and especially to the new direction that my life wants to go.  It's a time of anticipation, openness, and definitely growth.  I am steadily watching this process, participating in the enjoyment of each day, and waiting to see what comes into full  bloom.  This is a definite growing time.  Enjoy and care for the steady growth of your own life.

"As long as we are persistent in our pursuit of our deepest destiny, we will continue to grow.  We cannot choose the day or time when we will fully bloom.  It happens in its own time."

                                  --Dennis Waitley      

Tuesday, May 30, 2023


We are all traveling a unified path on the Earth.  We are here at the same time within the framework of an individual lifetime.  The diversity within this unified path is immense.  Our task is to recognize, and have awareness of, this collective path while also giving ourselves individual space and clarity within that unity.  We each have the ability to discern what serves us well and what does not.  It is up to each of us to hone our skills of knowing and growing.  To learn when it's time to stay and when it's time to let go and move forward.  All of these decisions guide, create, and become our life paths.  The best possible outcome may happen when we set the intention that our uniquely expressed paths will contribute to the unified whole and to the peaceful and harmonious linking of humanity.

"The most important part of discernment is pinpointing the forces to be reckoned with, both the constructive and destructive."

                                                      --Criss Jami                                                      

"Be courageous and face this moment in time consciously and with all the discernment and clarity within your power."

                                                      --James O'Dea


Sunday, April 30, 2023


For me, the word radiance is full of comfort, joy, promise, and power.  We have experienced a long, slow, chilly spring here in the Northwest with many overcast skies and days of drizzling rain.  In a huge departure, these past 2 days have brought full sun, and the day temperatures have bounced up into the mid-80's.  This  beautiful radiant sunshine and warm air brought everyone outside.  The feeling was wonderful--warm, supportive, energizing.  I was highly motivated to plant in my garden, to transplant overgrown plants, and to put flowers into baskets and containers.  It was so great to play outside after weeks of gray skies! 

Radiance and radiant energy flow to us and bring us back to life.  This season of spring is full of this kind of energy and opportunity.  Immerse yourself in your own sunny, radiant connections, both inner and outer.  Feel the joy!

"When you understand who and what you are, your radiance projects into the universal radiance and everything around you becomes creative and full of opportunity." 

                                              --Harbhajan Singh Yogi

"If there ever was a time that life needed you to move through each moment as the colorful radiant Creative Intelligence that you are, it is now!"

                                              --Corry MacDonald

Friday, March 31, 2023


Even though this spring has been extra cool, the plants have not seemed to be deterred.  Yes, they are slower to come fully to life, but their new beginnings are firmly in place.  I feel like my own projects in life are following the same course.  They are slowly coming into being, and there are clear signs of new life in formation. This is exciting and gratifying.  I feel encouraged that these new starts have fertile ground in which to grow and develop. Their internal blueprints are solid, and these projects will build and expand with the energy of this season.  I will continue to nurture and care for the growth of these new seedlings of my creative life.  I am filled with joy at the prospect!

"Never underestimate the importance of the beginning.  Of anything.  The beginning has the seeds of everything else to come."

                                              --Carolyn Coman         

Tuesday, February 28, 2023


"Home is where the heart is." 
 Feels like that's even more good reason for me to know my heart well.  Allowing my heart to be home is grounding, stabilizing, comforting; my shelter; my rock.  If we don't know our hearts well, then home is subject to the whims of our external world.  This world around us at present is a world of upheaval, wild releasing, and rapid change.  This means it is necessary for us to know ourselves well, and to take action based on our true heart's energy.  Doing this will allow us to maintain our solid footing, and to create a home in this shifting outer world.  Our hearts must be our anchor.  It is powerfully essential that we cultivate our personal sense of home as we whirl through space and time, and through this current transformation process. 

"Listen to the Wind--it talks 

Listen to the Silence--it speaks

Listen to your Heart--it knows the way"

                  --Native American wisdom

"Your heart knows the way.

Run in that direction."


Monday, January 30, 2023


Love is on the move.  Love is moving into place to be the engine that will run our world.  So much is up in the air right now and things feel wild; out of control.  There is wild energy swirling around us, but that is because there is resistance to the movement of love that is permeating our world.  In our present experience it may be challenging to even detect this rise of love that is happening.  Not to worry.  The heaviness you may feel is fleeting.  It is on its way out.  The good news is that nothing is stronger than the love of Source.  Take heart and stay strong.  The best is on its way.

"Love is an annihilating force, like death.  Love is not weak, it is surrendered and strong.  It can bear and face anything."


"Take heart dear traveler.  Light will meet you in wild places."

                              --Morgan Harper Nichols