Monday, April 29, 2024

Lightening the Load

We are in a time of unquestionably needing to lift ourselves out of past patterns.  Anything that creates a drag on this process is no longer contributing in a constructive way.  More than just spring cleaning, I feel like this is a time of deep clearing. We must clear the way and make space for a new kind of living, for a lighter form of energy to emerge and thrive.  Anything residual that is in the way of our best progress and greatest health has got to go.  This is a time when we have to remove all dead weight.  It's okay to let go of things you thought you wouldn't choose to, or thought you would never be able to.  That is the best action for this present time.  I like the word jettison.  It concisely describes my current need to clear.  The original definition of this word meant "to lighten a vessel to improve its stability in an emergency" (  Other definitions included the words "superfluous" and "encumbering."  All of these concepts are important to consider in the process of clearing.  Also, I like that the word "jet" is part of this word.  I think of the speedy jet energy that will come when old weight is released.  I am ready for lighter days ahead!

"Sometimes it is necessary to let something go simply because it is too heavy."

                             --Fiona Childs



Friday, April 5, 2024

Flow of Change

These days and times are feeling very fluid to me.  I missed my post in March because so much was shifting and in flux.  My current experience is one of chronological time merging with fluid activity, causing these days to unfold in their own way, in their own time, on a Higher timeline schedule.  Linear time is becoming wavy time, moving like a meandering river, sometimes flowing out of its banks.  This feels so right to me, because we are beginning to see the shift from polarized life to whatever the alternative life looks like.  In my own life, my inner characters have made peace and they are working together, even if that process is in its early growth stages.  My own position is to stay open to this flow of change, to stay centered and grounded, and to allow for continual change and movement.  Everything is unfolding as it has been organically created to do so.  We are the facilitators of change and the holders of space.

"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it and join the dance."

                                --Alan Watts

"You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy."

                                --C. JoyBell