Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Present

The present--it's a gift we give to ourselves.  Life sometimes flies with amazing speed.  We have many things to do, places to go.  It's easy to get swept up in the momentum.

This morning I sat on my couch briefly to check my phone.  I was doing the usual catch-up when my kitty Cassie came to sit on my lap.  She has done this before, with her napping and me scrolling on my phone or reading a book or the paper.  Today I was petting her soft fur when it occurred to me that this could be an incredible opportunity for bonding, for connecting, for healing touch.  So I put my phone down.  I gently massaged her little bones, gave her warm touch, and smoothed her fur with my hand.  I did this with the intention of nothing more than being present with another being.  As I did this I was filled with warmth and Love.  She fully received my Presence.  I truly felt how precious the energy was in our bonding.  All of the items on my day's agenda fell away.  There was no other attention except the sitting, connecting, warm contact and Being.  I feel like I have experienced this "being" many times before, but today the alive awareness seemed to be elevated to a level I had not known before.  So... wonderful.

All of this just served to demonstrate to me what this life is all about.  That there is nothing more important than Love.  And love grows out of what we put our energy and attention on.  Just those few minutes (maybe an hour) of stopping and connecting fully with my self and my kitty showed me that we are here to fully embody ourselves in the Present moment   That Love flourishes when we do this.  When we give ourselves the gift of the present moment, we are then able to share that "present" with other beings around us--large, small, animal, mineral, vegetable, and certainly human.  This is what Life asks of us.  We are here to do and to BE on our earth journey.  Love flows through all of this.

"It always pays to dwell slowly on the beautiful things--the more beautiful, the more slowly."
