Friday, February 28, 2025

Being and Receiving

Through attending to my Being changes have come.  They have come gradually over time, little by little.  I have been aware of receiving better and better things as time has passed.  During this week the theme of receiving has been strong.  Receiving by Being, and especially receiving in the moment.  This is the freshest and most potent version of receiving I have experienced in my life.  We are meant to have abundance and all that we desire.  My recent personal experience of that has been wonderful and rich.

"The Universe does not require you to stress for good things."

               --Alan Cohen  


Monday, January 27, 2025

A New Day

This is the phrase that I have been hearing for several days now.  As I make art, as I journal, and in the quiet of the mornings.  What-has-been is over and done, never to be experienced again in that way.  Whatever is coming is being created in each day, and the accumulation of these days becomes the future.

We have a clean slate.  A bright day ahead for each of us to express the wonderful qualities that make us individual creations in the Universe.  Every moment is a gift for us to receive fully and to embrace with our whole hearts. These moments make every day new. 

"The art of living consists in being completely sensitive to each moment, and regarding it as utterly new and unique."

                         --Alan Watts