Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Whitefeather Story 

Whitefeather came to me.  As I was considering a name for my website, I wanted to convey the sense of lightness I now experience after many years of life journeying.  Then I recalled a meditation time several years ago with my wise woman friends that had been preceded by a story that one of my friends shared.  She had been to a workshop where the leader had talked about names that the participants resonated with or felt “at home” with.  She said they were asked what name suited them.  As she said this, immediately the name Whitefeather came into my thoughts.  During our meditation time that followed I remembered thinking, “Well that’s nice, but when will I ever use that?”

So now several years later, the name had come back to me.  And so had several other good options for website names.  I was still undecided about my domain name when I was doing some reading one day.  The middle of this particular book included several meditations accompanied by appropriately related photos.  I landed on one about clearing physical blockages.  In this visualization, the author invited the reader to “ask for transformation of the malady—represented by the white feathers.”*  There on the same page was a beautiful photo of white feathers!  The linking of transformation with the white feathers was a direct and powerful connection for me.  Whitefeather Art was born! 

*Cell-Level Healing by Joyce Whiteley Hawkes, p. 69

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