As I open to and listen for the path of my life, I am made more clearly aware that this journey is my own. It can't belong to anyone except me. This journey is mine to live out in the world, and no one else can fulfill what is mine to fulfill. This has brought up a stark feeling of aloneness. I don't feel alone in the sense that no one cares for me. But alone in the realization and acceptance that I came into this world by myself, as myself; and I will leave this world by myself, as myself. Divine Source is with me throughout my journey, whether I feel connected or not. This feels like a humbling and reverent awareness of my own commitment to my life.
"...each of us has to inhabit his or her own soul in order to find out who he or she is and where the intimacy of his or her heart touches the world. No one else can tell you that; the maps that others have are of no use. Each life must find its true threshold, that edge where the individual gift fits the outer hunger and where the outer gift fits the inner hunger." --John O'Donohue
"The Journey you are on is deep and powerful. Your roots go far below the surface of your appearances. Your infancy, childhood, adulthood, and old age are phases in the development of a plant. The root that produced the plant has produced other plants in the past, and will produce more plants in the future. That root is your soul. The plant is your life. The plant grows, withers, and dies. The root remains. ...the root is more than the plant." --Gary Zukav
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