Wednesday, June 29, 2011


We are wrapped in the energy of All That Is.  Divine Presence infuses us.   Sometimes I myself get disconnected from this flow of energy.  I get stuck.  This being stuck is a stumbling block.  It is usually a knot that I need to untangle.  I think stuck places are good opportunities to gently attend to ourselves, to listen deeply, and to make space for the emergence of the unknown.  Often the block is a constriction caused by some fear that needs to come into consciousness.  It helps me when I step back, allow some time, and gently invite the stuckness to come forward to be released.  Often it needs some avenue of creative expression to become fully known.  The result of such caring attention is that beautiful flow is restored.  Life continues on in beauty.
"Beauty before me, I walk
Beauty above me, I walk
Beauty below  me, I walk
In beauty, I walk
To the direction of the rising sun, in beauty I walk
To the direction traveling with the sun, in beauty I walk
To the direction of the setting sun, in beauty I walk
To the direction of the dippers, in beauty I walk
All around me my land is beauty, in beauty I walk."
                                                         --Navajo Chant of the Night Way

Sunday, June 19, 2011


The Universe is present and actively involved in the continual unfolding of All of Life.  Believing in ourselves and in our unique gifts is our task.  Tension sometimes arises when we move toward our best selves.  Many conflicting energies surround and infuse us.  This tension triggers the "old" but blesses the "new."  Our focus on our higher good continues to shape us and form us.  The Universe stands with us and guides our steps as we open ourselves to Larger Awareness.
"...we take an individual journey, as might a hero or heroine in an archetypal story, leaving what is familiar and embarking on a new quest.  And, as is true in any universal story, we are not alone.  We find many helping allies, as well as obstacles, unexpected gifts, and unforeseen circumstances that catalyze our growth and strip away what is unnecessary in our lives."
                                                                               -Angeles Arrien 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Staying grounded.  Such an important part of the change process.  This doesn't have to mean that we're adding weight or heaviness or difficulty to our journey.  Sometimes that's how it has felt to me.  Like I've been grounded.  Stopped.  Slowed down.  A more expanded view of grounding includes honoring the large changes that are happening, facilitating and inviting energy into those changes, and allowing them to unfold in their natural organic way.  During this allowing process, it is often helpful to reconnect with larger Earth energy by spending time in nature, possibly even by just sitting on the ground.  This sort of grounding offers balance and support to the change process which can often be experienced as unsettling or chaotic.  Change is good, and we can befriend it as we revisit nature and stay grounded.
"The desire to replenish, rebalance, and come into inner harmony and natural rhythm is a universal longing that spans time and traditions.  We can nourish it in nature...
In traditional societies of North America, individuals who are in transition go on vision quests, spending time alone in nature without diversions.  This allows them to go within, listen deeply for guidance, and reflect upon what is true and right for their spiritual development and life purpose.  Narritjin Maynuru Yirrkala, an Australian Aborigine, said, 'We long to see the ground.  It is our power.  And we must stay close to it or maybe we will get lost.'"                                                      -Angeles Arrien

Monday, June 6, 2011

Showing Up

All of Creation is here for us to enjoy.  It is the matrix in which everything is created and has life.  But not by itself.  Every part of this life is connected.  Each of us is here to contribute our part We have the choice about how we will participate.  Will we jump in with both feet and be our most authentic selves, or will we roll through life less fully, following the culturally prescribed plan?  In order for us to live authentically, we have to show up.  Be present.  Add our own unique flavor to the recipe.  We can't become our greatest selves without cooperating with All That Is.  If we are absent or fuzzy and unclear, there is no cooperative or co-creative energy match.  We have to bring forward our own special clarity and purposefulness for grand co-creation to take place.  When we step up with clearness, Creation guides us to bring our truth into being.
"It's never too late to be who you might have been."
                                             -George Elliott 
"Today, like every other day,
We wake up empty and frightened.

Don't open the door to the study and begin reading.
Take down the dulcimer.

Let the beauty we love be what we do.
There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground."
                                            -Jelaluddin Rumi