Wednesday, June 29, 2011


We are wrapped in the energy of All That Is.  Divine Presence infuses us.   Sometimes I myself get disconnected from this flow of energy.  I get stuck.  This being stuck is a stumbling block.  It is usually a knot that I need to untangle.  I think stuck places are good opportunities to gently attend to ourselves, to listen deeply, and to make space for the emergence of the unknown.  Often the block is a constriction caused by some fear that needs to come into consciousness.  It helps me when I step back, allow some time, and gently invite the stuckness to come forward to be released.  Often it needs some avenue of creative expression to become fully known.  The result of such caring attention is that beautiful flow is restored.  Life continues on in beauty.
"Beauty before me, I walk
Beauty above me, I walk
Beauty below  me, I walk
In beauty, I walk
To the direction of the rising sun, in beauty I walk
To the direction traveling with the sun, in beauty I walk
To the direction of the setting sun, in beauty I walk
To the direction of the dippers, in beauty I walk
All around me my land is beauty, in beauty I walk."
                                                         --Navajo Chant of the Night Way

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