Friday, April 19, 2013

Letting it Flow

I am such a maker. I've been making things all of my life.  Drawing, building, coloring, assembling, observing so as to improve on the creation.  Now is a time for letting things flow.  I'm not so good at that when it comes to my life and livelihood.  I have lots of practice at making things happen.  Not so much with letting things happen.  Yes, I've learned a lot about that through my processes of making art.  But that feels like theory now that I'm applying those skills to my everyday lived-out life.  It's a rich time for me of learning how to let things roll.  Life activities have moved well with my orchestration.  Now it's time to trust that they will move well through the orchestration and wisdom of Great Mystery.  I've seen plenty of evidence of this already in my life.  I am learning to hand over my life, because it's already part of Larger Life.  I am learning to let my life flow naturally.  Spring weather encourages my progress with this.  New, perfect, and abundant life surrounds me, and cheers me on.  I will go with the flow. 
"It's all about choice, instead of reaction--what was true a minute ago may no longer be true.  Become aware of choice; non-engaging with the noise.  Things will move in amazing ways if you will allow them."              
                                                                        --Celia Fenn

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