Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Being Authentic and True

A New Year--a new commitment to being my true self.  Life is unpredictable, yet always changing.  We can only look inward to determine the most suitable path for ourselves in each moment and each step of every day that we are here on earth.  True self calls, and I feel unable to ignore the call.  I am moving each day closer to my true life.  That life resides in the process of co-creating with Source and receiving the assistance of divine energy.  It doesn't look picture perfect--it just is what it is, and it unfolds in its own organic way.  A blessing.
"Authentic empowerment is necessary to accomplish fully the mission of the soul, yet as you move into authentic empowerment, you move toward the fulfillment of your soul's agreement with the Universe, and as you move toward that fulfillment--as you move consciously toward the energy of your soul--you empower yourself.  You and the work of your soul upon the Earth expand together.  As one grows and develops, so does the other."
                                                                         --Gary Zukav   

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