Sunday, March 27, 2016


Dreams are like seeds.  We are in that season of the year when seeds are germinating and becoming the plants that they are coded to be at the heart of their seed.  Dreams are similar.  They begin with the germ of an idea, and that idea begins to grow when it lives in the right environment under the best conditions.  All of the necessary elements exist within the code of the seed or within the germ of the idea.  It is our task to listen, to attend, and to act with our highest being in ways that will nurture the plant or the dream into full flowering.  It is there for our enjoyment and for our full interaction.  Being and allowing are the greatest gifts we can bring to the experience. 
"What you desire to create is not down a path into the future.  It is not just beyond your reach.  It exists right now, and is simply waiting for you on a higher spiral of creative consciousness....  Do not strive and struggle, but dream, create, and manifest as you co-create with Divine Consciousness."
                                                                            --Celia Fenn

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