Saturday, May 28, 2016


I have been doing a lot of thinking about life purpose.  We don't always have to be clear about what our life purpose is or how we are to "make it" in the world.  Our culture has taught us many negative things about competency, money, success, and power.  Love is our life purpose.  We are loved by the Universe, and love is what we can share with others.  Being  who we are is also our life purpose.  The closer to this we can come, the more joy we are able to experience.  Others benefit from our love and joy when it is true to who we are.  These are the building blocks of our life purpose. 
"The purpose of your life is to serve in a way that brings great joy to yourself and others.  Don't worry about finding your purpose.  Instead, focus upon serving a purpose, and then your purpose will serve you."
                                                              --Doreen Virtue     

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