Sunday, December 25, 2016

Holy Day

Today, like all days, is a Holy Day.  But this one is one of the few all year when masses of people take the day off from diligent pursuits to connect--with self, with loved ones, with relaxation.  This day is so holy that when I passed by the CostCo on my way to a friend's home for dinner, there was not a single car in the parking lot.  An amazing sight--I call that a Christmas miracle! 
We need this quiet time--this sacred time--of winter to calm ourselves and listen to our personal yearnings for our lives.  We have the ability to know our deepest wishes but we must stop the frenzied pace of our lives in order to hear our personal truth; our heart's desires.  Breathe in, breathe out.  Imagine peace and calm inside yourself.  Stop all the crazy talk.  There is a seed of truth germinating in the dormant earth.  Something inside you wants to emerge.
"The energies touching all at this time of the year present opportunities to awaken the seeds of inner potentials that we most desire to unfold.  It is a time to reflect upon the miracle of heaven and earth uniting, coupling within the dark to give birth to new life.  It is a time which gives each individual the opportunity to light the light that shines eternally within the darkness."
                                                                         --Ted Andrews

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