These times are unpredictable and changing every day. I feel like we are starting with a brand new slate. Whatever worked before no longer serves as it once did. All systems are now under construction. Revisions are happening, and we are being prompted to rewrite what we have previously known. It is a good thing, and it is an unsettling thing. The best path through these changing times is to stay in the present moment. Any other focus for me feels like it contributes to the confusion, the turmoil. Because we are living in the larger world of change we can only truly participate by listening in each moment. That is where our individual selves intersect with the larger changes. The present moment is where the greatest chance for calm and serenity exists. Focusing on the past takes us to a place that is no longer viable. Future looking is just guessing and empty speculation. Our most solid footing happens when we stay grounded, and when we move one step at a time as that fits in each experience. Our anchor is the Present.
"If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak, return to yourself, to who you are, here and now and when you get there, you will discover yourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong."
--Masaru Emoto
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