Thursday, February 1, 2024

Regroup and Reset

Okay, what just happened? It's February today, and January flew like the wind!  So I'm catching up on my January post now.  This last month felt like a time of release and reset.  For me, so many energies and thoughts passed through and away.  And then new feelings and experiences of Love and Purpose flooded in.  In our area we had a very intense ice storm about mid-month that whittled everything down to the essentials.  Without electricity for several days It was a time of reckoning:  what's most important, what can I do without, and where do I go from here?  While all of those questions are still simmering, I was able to feel very peaceful and protected during that weather event.  And so it is, as we trek into this new year, already filled with world chaos.  These shifting times are insisting that we make choices about where we focus our attention and our energies.  I am personally choosing to put my energies into the feelings of peace and provision that I experienced during our ice storm.  No matter what events happen in our world, we have choice about how we will respond to them.  Do we want to participate in anxiety and fear, or do we want to nurture and live in the security of knowing that there is a peaceful foundation available to all?  We are all connected--to each other, and to our Source.  Now is a good time to bring our best energies to the people and situations that we encounter in daily life.  Life is good, and it can always be well-lived.

"Live your life in your own unique way and be true to yourself."

                 --Josei Toda

"You don't always need a plan.  Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens."

                 --Mandy Hale



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