Saturday, March 23, 2013


Spring.  It's all about alchemy.  Out of winter's gray landscape comes a profusion of new life.  My own life is swirling with change.  New experiences are happening that announce a different unfolding of my life.  One which is a complete fit, but that seems very unlike my past.  It is shiny and new, and full of promise.
"alchemy--a method or power of transmutation; esp., the seemingly miraculous change of a thing into something better."
                                                                         --Webster's Dictionary 
"The creative force within each of us stirs into greater outward expression.  This is reflected in Nature.  New seeds begin to sprout.  Sap runs and flows, stimulating new growth.  Flowers and leaves begin to bud.  The natural world begins to resurrect itself.  For us, the rhythms are excellent for initiating new endeavors and manifesting opportunities for such within our life.  It is a time in which the energies propelling us are excellent for initiating a new order to one's life."
                                                                          --Ted Andrews