Sunday, April 21, 2019

New Life

We are here in the season of rebirth and new life.  So many trees and plants are emerging from their dormancy--waking up, greening and blooming.  Animals have emerged from their winter dens and nests, seeking sustenance and creating new generations. Each year brings new growth, like the rings that expand in the trees.  We cycle around to this growing season with a vision of improvement and expansion from even just a year ago.  The feeling of fresh and new is in the air.  It's time to begin again, and to open ourselves to the new life that is creating itself daily.
"Nourish your Tree.  Aspire to a high place....  Let the nourishing sap of life flow through your veins.  As a tree grows, its branches reach out all around.  Transcend and include."
                                        --Chris Hoffman