Monday, December 15, 2014


I am in the midst of creating something new and different in my life.  I am opening to the energies around me, and listening for clues in the process of this creation.  I have been having some experiences of creating in the moment when I'm able to be present.  I am also learning to trust that resources will be made available to me, and that guidance will come to me for connecting with those resources.  This is a tremendous time of living with energy shifts, opening to potential changes, and placing myself in the hands of Divine Compassion.  I am moving into my life in small and subtle ways that feel large and transformational.  Riding the waves...
"Do not worry or speculate about the future.  As much as you can possibly connect with your higher self in the present moment, this is your future.  Connection with your higher self--being in the moment--being who you are--creates the future for you.  We are constantly creating our future in the NOW."                                                                                                          --Sue Whitacre,   July, 2009