Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I am participating in a remarkable process of unfolding.  By being my best self, by keeping on my path and staying the course, my life is moving in its best direction.  This happens through a daily attention to everything:  my daily activities, my surroundings, things I can see, and many that I can't.  This time requires a devotion to everyday events and occurrences.  Being in the moment.  Bountily.  Is that a word?  Somehow it describes my participation.  I am invited to yield all that I have to offer.  In fullness and joy.  In ordinary time with extraordinary experiences.
"The key is to be here, fully connected with the moment, paying attention to the details of ordinary life.  By taking care of ordinary things--our pots and pans, our clothing, our teeth--we rejoice in them.  When we scrub a vegetable or brush our hair, we are expressing appreciation:  friendship toward ourselves and toward the living quality that is found in everything."
                                                                        --Pema Chodron

Friday, July 13, 2012


I'm being asked to surrender to the Unknown.  This makes me feel like I don't know anything.  Which is as it should be.  I am being invited to participate in a process that may feel uncomfortable.  This process may ask me to do things that I've never done before.  Things that I may think I'm not capable of doing.  Not knowing is the perfect way to join with this process.  So I bow to this movement.  I let it unfold.  This way no expectations or preconceived ideas will be able to get in the way of the harmonious workings of the Universe.
"Each one of us has all the wisdom and knowledge we ever need right within us.  It is available to us through our intuitive mind, which is our connection with universal intelligence.
                                                                        --Shakti Gawain