Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Grieving, Moving Forward

So much change is in process.  I feel like my own personal identity is dismantling and reconstructing, all at the same time.  It feels like I am right on schedule with the rest of the world, where dismantling and reconstruction are also happening on a grander scale.  It's a good thing--it's not easy.  I'm feeling the emotions of this time of letting go.  I feel sad, afraid, open, creative, happy, shaky.  This is a whirlwind time that I agreed to go through in order to become a midwife for myself and for others as we navigate this rocky path.  It's heartbreaking to let go of what is known.  It's heart lifting and invigorating to blaze a trail through the unknown  An amazing time of change.  Every little thing is gonna be alright.

"Sometimes your heart will break.

...And it will seem an impossible task;

...To live in the midst of the inevitable breakdown

Of life as we have known it.

Be gentle with yourselves

...It is only as we make room

For that which has remained homeless

within us

That we can be a healing force for this world."



"Don't worry about a thing.  Cause every little thing's gonna be alright."

                                 --Bob Marley