Sunday, March 26, 2017


This time of Spring equinox is about balance.  Winter is changing to Spring, dark is turning to light, water is moving toward fire.  Creation moves from limited activity to outward expression of life.  It's the blossoming time, and it emerges out of this balance of opposites.  We are being called to a time of transformation and change--change at a personal level and change at monumental levels.  Keeping ourselves in balance will assist us in this transition.  Enjoy the change energy of Spring--enjoy the ride of your Life!
"There is an impulse to resurrect our lives--if only out of the doldrums of winter.  This is found throughout the Earth and most apparent in the natural world.  It is time to focus upon the conscious transmutation of our lives.
...This is the time for the fires of the new....This new radiance can effect changes in all avenues of our life.  It awakens the 'magic green fire' of Gaelic legends--the alchemical force--one of the greatest forces found within Nature....We must learn to attune to [seasonal changes] to take advantage of [this alchemy]."
                                                                              --Ted Andrews