Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Heart Space

Heart center, wild heart.  Heart of the earth, heart of the matter.  Clearly, heart energy is the theme that's rolling through me right now.  It feels like it's time to speak to my heart, to speak from the heart.  It's time for all of us to create space for listening to our hearts.  The most comforting place to be these days is in our heart space: to move into our heart center, and to let that space inform all of our words and actions.  It's a good time to cultivate a compassionate heart for ourselves, for others around us.  Listening to our hearts will bring calm during these days that invite uncertainty, anxiety, tension, and unrest.  Bringing love to ourselves through our hearts will strengthen us for all that will come in the new year.  Once we connect with our own hearts we will be ready to bring our loving heart space to those who cross our paths in our daily exchanges.  No matter what circumstances we encounter, the loving energy we bring to each situation will go far toward creating a Heart Space big enough to embrace and encompass the whole world.

"Take a few slow calm breaths and slide down into your heart space. This is where the unlimited power of the universe channels into you, and is refreshed anew in each present moment." 

                                    --Josie Wood