Monday, June 29, 2015

Here We Go

I am being prompted to write some words.  I feel very much guided right now, since no clear content has presented itself to me.  Embarking is one of the words.  We often think of this as beginning a journey, but Webster's dictionary also describes it like this:  "to engage or invest in an enterprise."  I certainly embarked on the journey awhile ago, but this idea of investment is capturing my attention in the present.  I have the feeling of investing my energy, my time, my resources into some creative project, possibly called "my life."  It is definitely creating itself each day.  It has very little material form, except that it manifests as a feeling of contentment with my life and my activities.  It feels like a peaceful foundation has formed.  Out of this comes everything else.
"When you find what your are called to do, your life takes on a focus and purpose.  You come into rhythm with the deeper longing of your heart."
                                                         --John O'Donohue