Friday, February 23, 2018


The quiet of winter has given way to so many events in our world.  The word chaos is coming to mind.  Things are feeling stirred up right now.  This can cause us to feel unsettled and out of sync, possibly even a little on edge or irritable.  At this moment to me it feels like we are creating the foundation for change.  We have been asleep and we need to wake up.  We have hidden ourselves in shadows and those shadows are now coming forward into the light of day.  We are all connected, and we are being encouraged to work together to bring needed changes--to transform ourselves into a new world of compassionate human beings.  So we are now in the chaos that presses for change and that creates tension in order to bring about that change.  We can hold this tension with our love.
"Before the beginning of great brilliance there must be chaos.
                           --from the I Ching

"In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order."
                           --Carl Jung 


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