Sunday, July 29, 2018

One Day

These days move at a pace of their own.  I may wish for things to move along more quickly, but truly I know that life is best lived one day at a time.  I feel eager for the changes that I sense are on the way.  And still I know that they will come as each day moves through its purpose.  Attending to each day will create my dreams.  Every day is a contribution to the whole.  Each day is to be honored, savored and enjoyed for the richness that it brings to the tapestry of my whole life.  I always benefit from this reminder to fully experience each day.
"So at the end of this day, we give thanks
For being betrothed to the unknown
And for the secret work
Through which the mind of the day
And wisdom of the soul become one."
                --John O'Donohue 

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