Sunday, September 29, 2019


I have been working all of my life to get to this place of experiencing life as effortless.  That was part of the challenge all along--working at it.  In truth, life isn't supposed to be worked on, it is just here for us to live and to be.  We come in with few expectations, yet we take on the expectations of those who are already here and who have shown us their version of "the ways of the world."  So after many bumps and challenges I have unlearned all of that, and I've found that just "being" allows me to live my most authentic life.  All "doing" in my life comes from this place of being.  It's an experience of being in perfect timing and in harmony with the Universe.  This is truly effortless.
"You have to do nothing to wake up. Nothing! ...You are not separate from what is awake.  You are That.  Don't do anything.  Don't even not do anything.  Be absolutely still."

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