Tuesday, March 24, 2020


We are in a time of chaos and upheaval.  This doesn't automatically translate into catastrophe or disaster.  Yes, all of our lives are disrupted.  Yes, we see a lot of warning and anxiety if we watch the news.  But what if there's an upside to this pandemic experience?  Could it be that we are in the middle of a larger change process?  All of the routine activity of our lives has been halted--shut down.  While we could react with fear, what would it be like to approach this with peace and calm?  Apart from those in the medical profession and a few others, our roles have been reversed.  Rather than filling our days and minutes with frenetic activity and structured schedules, the majority of us are pressed to "stay home."  What can be learned from this time of being at home with family, with ourselves?  Maybe we're all being invited to take a break, find some rest.     
Certainly because there is much Unknown about our lives right now, we have time to take stock:  of purpose, priority, and progress.  Is this an opportunity for old patterns to break down and new priorities to take their place?  Could we be shifting out of blind exploitation of our beautiful Earth and into an exchange with our planet that is more harmonious and meaningful?  Is our global financial system straining for something more cooperative, equitable and inclusive?  Is this an opportunity for our World to come together to express humanity in more creative and constructive ways?
I feel like we are in a time of dismantling.  People say everything will be different after this pandemic is finished.  I believe this can be true in the most positive of ways.  I invite you to consider the idea that maybe something better is coming from this time of dismantling.  This could be a time of structures breaking down and then building back up in unseen, newly possible, and amazing ways.
It's Springtime--take a walk outside!
"Both upgrade and reversal lead to change.                                               Change wisely."             
                     --Words of Progress 
"Resting in the present moment gives us a connection to stability and ease--an anchor in turbulent waters."       
                     --Tara Brach

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