Saturday, September 27, 2014


This time of fall feels very rich.  It's a time of gathering all of the bounty of the year's harvest.  Some creatures gather and store food for the coming colder months.  We freeze and can and dry the foods we've grown so that they can be enjoyed when such fresh foods are no longer available.  The plant world creates pods and seeds that are packed with the life that will later  bring into being the next generation of their kind.  This feels like the place that I find myself in.  Reveling in the abundance of this past season and its offerings, and creating capsules of life that will burst forth in the next season of growth.  These points of focus feel like an invitation toward expansion.  I am closing out and letting go of what no longer serves, and opening to what wants to come to life for me.  The energy of expansion infuses this process.
"The time has come for you to re-create God, using the fullest expanse of your imagination.  Even if you do this, you will still under-imagine God.  There is no separation between you and the Divine, between you and your neighbor, or between you and [ascended beings].  There is also no division between you and any other living thing.  Each aspect is but a mirror image of the other, and all fit within the grand design."
                                               --Meredith L. Young-Sowers

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