Wednesday, October 29, 2014

On the Path

Life moves us in the right direction if we are willing to listen for clues that come our way.  We steer a course that is fairly unsatisfying when we make random choices based on cultural expectations.  I often pay attention to what activities give me energy and to what activities drain my energy in order to understand more about what are best directions in which to move.  I know that making a difference in other peoples' lives is important and fulfilling to me.  I also know that my choices in the past for culturally prescribed ways to do this have not born fruit.  I'm not able to predict what pursuits will bring these experiences into my life.   So I have to allow myself to open my mind outside the box, and trust that I will be shown the best path toward fulfillment in my life.  Letting the process unfold is my current daily devotion.   
"We must undergo an initiation process that does require letting go of the familiar and comfortable.  Through ordeals and ecstasies, we come to know what we were born to do, what gift we were meant to bring to the world, and what vision is ours to embody."
                                                                                --Bill Plotkin

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